Monday, July 30, 2012

The God Who Sees...

You're the God who sees...
every broken dream,
tear that falls,
heart that breaks.

You're the God who sees...
every way-ward turn,
every mistake,
the path we take.

You're the God who sees...
the pain,

You're the God who sees...
the prayers of our heart,
true longings and desires,
the forgiveness we seek. 

You're the God who sees...
me step out in faith,
trusting again,
as scared as I may be.

You're the God...
who never fails,
never leaves,
always answers. 

This post was written a month or so ago.  I have held it dear until now.
May you be encouraged no matter what you are facing today that...

God Sees You
He Loves You Deeply.

Counting Gifts...that God's Love...
 Never Fails.
Never Leaves.
Always Answers.

By His Grace and Hope,
Nicole Marie



  1. That was beautiful! So very simple, yet full of love!

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you Sarah for your kind words! Blessings and have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Cole! Stopping over today from Kris' "Encore" link up. So thankful that I did. I struggle with knowing that God sees me. This was a much needed reminder at this season in my life.

    1. Hi Barbie, thank you for stopping by! I am glad that you found comfort in them. Thank you friend... I struggle to friend. Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of beauty!

  3. Beautiful truths and promises to remember in good and hard times. This has been a crazy season of my life... still looking to Him for provision and your words lift me up today. :)

    1. Thank you Pam. Praying with you that God will provide! Keep looking to Him and He will show the way. May you have a beautiful weekend!


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