Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lesson from a watermelon...

There it sits...
green, football like, sitting on my front porch,
and I smile.

Just a few minutes before, that smile wasn't there but tears.
Tears that flow when stress hits, prayers go unanswered,
in the middle of trials and waiting on change.

She had a whim,
a thought,
and she acted on it.

Something so small,
an act so kind,
to change my focus...

To focus on the blessing of the moment.
To focus on the provision of the moment.
To focus on the truth that God has not forgotten me in this time.

A moment to take the focus off of all that has been weighing me down.
To open my eyes and see the small gifts HE would bring after that...

A card.
An email.
Friends reaching out.
An opportunity to create again.

When my thoughts go to the weight of the waiting and trials.
The reality that is now.

I just focus...

Focus on that green, football like watermelon,
now sitting on my counter.

And, I smile.

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5 NIV

What small, little gifts has He left you lately?

By His Grace and Hope,

Nicole Marie

Spilling words out onto the page.
No editing, no worrying if I have it just right or not.
Writing for five minutes with friends.

Letting the words flow across the screen, seeing the story that will unfold...
Sharing thoughts on the word Focus, tonight.
Joining Lisa-Jo  and friends here:
Five Minute Friday


  1. I love your story and the way friends can encourage us to keep our focus on our blessings! Good friends truly are a gift from God.

    1. Friends definitely are a gift from God Melanie! Thank you for your kind words. So glad to see you here!

  2. Beautiful words. It does help so much to place our focus on those little gifts. I'm often amazed at how something so small can completely change my mood - if I just slow down enough to notice it! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Liz. Yes, I believe God is giving me a lesson in slowing down alright. ;) He's doing all He can to get my attention. Blessings!

  3. Take focus off all that has been weighing me down! Love it. Be blessed:)

    1. Thank you Jennifer! Blessings to you too! So happy you are here.

  4. nice post thanks for sharing the 5 minutes friday...looking for to visit more..blessings

  5. I love this reminds me that God focuses on us and gives us gifts to remind us that His eye is always on us...takes the pressure off...thanks for linking up...your title "Lessons from a Watermelon" piqued my interest.

    1. You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words. Comforting to know isn't it? That He is always there even when we can't "see" or "feel" Him.

  6. I liked this! Kind of what I talked about today. Life can overwhelm and redirect and trick us to take our eyes of the simply beautiful God-moments. Joining you from 5 minute Friday!

    1. Hi Kariss! Yes, life can definitely overwhelm at times. I will stop by and read yours! I love that, "simply beautiful God-moments." Blessings!

  7. Thanks for the reminder to act on those whims. Sometimes I feel so silly doing those things, but I know I love it when people think of me in those little blessings!

    1. Hi Mary Beth, you are welcome. It is so easy for me to worry over those moments when really we don't know how big of a blessing it could be to someone. Thank you for that reminder.

  8. Oh this gave me goosebumps! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how God uses others for His work. How He allows us to wrap His loving arms around another. And I'm so thrilled you've felt it recently, friend! I'm praying for you through this itchy know that. Hugs to you as warm as I can through a screen! ;)

    1. I am so thankful for you Nikki! God is using you in my life and I am thankful and blessed by you! Thank you for your prayers!! God is Good!


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